Saturday, January 13, 2007


"Maybe I am made of dreams", though the water, and wrote the story of this origin with calligraphic design through the exploding foam, "maybe the dreams have textures and colors" -
answered the constellations, music emanating from interfering motions, the reflexions and the sparks of ocean, aquamarine and salt.

For an instant - instantaneously -, in a moment - momentarily - repeating over and over - with an interminably dance:

water within water,
drops within drops,
sparks within sparks,
motion within motion,
inversions, polarizations, reflexions, non locations.

same image [different glass].

"Maybe we are all made of dreams", though the water, the wind and the sun. The wind wrote the end of all stories with precise contours around a dessert of sad, the leaves are graves that burn under an inclement sun.

Without water we are thirsty, without water we burn.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I will not procrastinate pleasure

Transition in blue and purple dreaming
oceans of water and snakes through the river
a memory of a past that is becoming
a shadow in time
a scratch in the sand
a scenario of
poor and laconic
the sound of
a million of

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


the thought of being close to you both makes me so happy...
makes me feel like something is right in the world
like that's where I should be

add cava, raisins, and love

"Yeah, I was a total tryptophanatic over the holidays. I think I slept for about 30 hours after I ate that second turkey."


A person who loves to eat a ton of Turkey, fully knowing that he or she will become tired and likely fall asleep from the effects of tryptophan.

"Johnny is home asleep. You know he's a tryptofan, don't you?"

Saturday, December 16, 2006

All i En

I feel like an alien in this world. Its a place where
some nebulous set of values or lack of values
I have yet to ascertain seem to motivate those I
speak to day after day. The conversations are
myopic,but not in the inquisitive , self examining way one
might think. Myopic in scope and approach and
technique and substance. The goal seems to be do as little as
possible and make as much money as possible with
even less effort. Its a strange motivation. Is
this some form of the american dream? Why am
I living it!?

Saturday, December 2, 2006

thought on sticky notes.....
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