Saturday, January 13, 2007


"Maybe I am made of dreams", though the water, and wrote the story of this origin with calligraphic design through the exploding foam, "maybe the dreams have textures and colors" -
answered the constellations, music emanating from interfering motions, the reflexions and the sparks of ocean, aquamarine and salt.

For an instant - instantaneously -, in a moment - momentarily - repeating over and over - with an interminably dance:

water within water,
drops within drops,
sparks within sparks,
motion within motion,
inversions, polarizations, reflexions, non locations.

same image [different glass].

"Maybe we are all made of dreams", though the water, the wind and the sun. The wind wrote the end of all stories with precise contours around a dessert of sad, the leaves are graves that burn under an inclement sun.

Without water we are thirsty, without water we burn.

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